
Zespol Szkol nr 1 w Krasniku

Website of school.

ZespółSzkółnr 1 w Kraśniku consists of Liceum (the Secondary School no 1) and Technical College specializing in IT.Our primary aim of is to prepare students for ‘Matura’ (school leaving exam),the results of which determine their possibility of admission to university. Students of the Technical College are also prepared for professional exams whose topics are: diagnostics and fixing computers, creating websites and apps, data base administration.

In our complex there are altogether 63 members of teaching staff and 930 learnersaged 14-19. The school is located in a poor and mainly agricultural region somany of our students are from very low-income families. Our region called ‘Lubelskie,’ with Lublin as its main city, is the third poorest region in Poland and has been shortlisted by Eurostat as one of the poorest in European Union with GDP of 47. The teachers work hard to motivate students to learn so that they have a chance to get good education and raise their living standard in the future. We try to engage students in international projects, especially those from the poorest social environments, to show them life outside their small community and therefore increase their motivation to learn languages and acquire good education.