
Gymnazium Jana Pivecky a Stredni odborna skola Slavicin

Website of school.

Jan Pivečka Grammar school and Slavičín Vocational school is a state school with a long tradition of providing secondary education in the south-east of the Czech Republic in the region of South Wallachia. It is located in the Zlín region and has a total of 484 pupils and 62 paid employees. The grammar school focuses on general education and the preparation of students for university studies, and has success in mathematical and astrophysical competitions and projects. At the grammar school, English is taught as a priority, and students choose a second foreign language from the menu: German, French, Spanish. The secondary vocational school prepares students in technical, engineering, ICT and electrical engineering fields for their future professions. The school is equipped with modern technology, robots, computers, CNC machines, the level of the school is high. The school strives to develop the quality of professional and general education within the framework of internships at the Austrian Fachberufsschule Wolfsberg, which take place within Erasmus + KA1. The school tries to improve the quality of general education at the grammar school through foreign internships, through eTwinning and international projects. For several years, our school has been implementing astrophysics projects, conducting various natural science observations in a fun and scientific way, in its activities it cooperates with the Tomas Bata University in Zlín, which supports our school, provides our students with internships on university grounds, helps our school in the implementation of projects and competitions and we are its faculty school. Other partners of the school are the Association of Friends of the Jan Pivečka Grammar school and the Slavičín Secondary Vocational School, the company TVD, and of course the City of Slavičín and our founder, the Zlín Region. The above-mentioned companies or companies support our school both financially and materially, they offer us certain spaces to use, support our students in project activities and competitions. Our school is sufficiently equipped with modern technology, 3D printers, computers, etc. for the above activities. Our school also has astrophysical instruments and astrophysics, and projects in astrophysics or mathematics are a long-term trend at our school and are also very successful and popular at our school.