The Agrupamento de Escolas de Campo Maior is situated in the interior part of Portugal and has a total of 1200 students and 120 teachers. The Secondary School has several types of education: regular elementary and secondary education; professional secondary courses; and two classes of alternative curricula, in order to prevent school dropout. Every year we have more students of gipsy origin and from immigrant families (130 learners), especially from eastern countries. We can say with pride that they all are very well included. We also have students with special needs (180 learners) and some specialized teachers who work with them and involve them in the regular classes as many times as they can. We have a successful experience in working and collaborating with parents. There is also a Parents ‚ Association. For the students with special needs we have the support of a multidisciplinary unit composed of teachers with specific training, psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists, speech therapists and doctors. We also have two units of multi handicapped and autism. Our school has a good and strong relationship with the local authorities as well as with the different public and private institutions of the town.